The five Ps of staying healthy are a series of questions that can help keep things in check.​​ 

Let's break down the five Ps that help when choosing #ForeverWena: ​ 


Whether it’s your sneaky link or not-so-sneaky link, do you know the details of each other’s sexual history?​ 


We all know there’s different ways to have sex, so do you know what kind of protection would work best for you?   ​ 


Are you protecting yourself and your partner/s from STIs, including HIV by using protection like condoms or PrEP?​ 

Past history of STIs 

Do you know your STI and HIV status? There’s no shame in getting tested.​ 

Pregnancy Plans 

Are you prepared for the unexpected? Make healthy choices based on your plans for the future.  ​ 

Keep these five Ps in mind, so that you can put your sexual health first. ​