
There’s no health without mental health – talk about your feelings 

Sexual health isn’t just about the physical, it’s also about how you feel mentally and emotionally. Don’t be afraid to bring up mental health concerns – like anxiety, body image issues, or substance use – with your healthcare professional. Your mental or emotional health can directly impact your sexual health, so it’s important to be honest about where you’re at emotionally. Your healthcare professional will be able to guide you in your mental health journey so that you are able to put your sexual health first.  

Feeling comfortable is key – find the healthcare professional that’s right for you 

Feeling comfortable is an important part of your healthcare journey with your healthcare professional. If you feel your healthcare professional has not heard you or understood your needs, don’t give up – it’s always appropriate to seek out a second opinion. You are your own advocate, and your health should always come first. Your healthcare professional should never be judgemental, and you should always feel respected regardless of what you choose to share.  

No matter who you are or what you’re into, your healthcare professional should act as a confidante – they should have your best interests at heart and help you make the best choices that benefit your own personal sexual health journey. 

Part 1 | Sexual Health Conversations in Healthcare
Part 2 | Sexual Health Conversations in Healthcare