Remember that you’re there for you – keep the conversation #ForeverWena 

You may need to be the one who starts the conversation and it’s important to inform your healthcare professional about why you’re there to see them. Sometimes, getting those first words out can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re seeing someone unfamiliar. Starting off with transparency is the best move. If you’re feeling awkward or uncomfortable, you can tell your healthcare professional: “I am feeling a little uncomfortable about this, but can I talk to you about some sexual health concerns?”. Don’t be afraid to be specific – your healthcare professional has seen and heard it all before, so your appointment is a safe, confidential space to be as open as possible. Raise any concerns or questions you may have. You have every right to ask or request anything that may make you feel more at ease during the appointment or about the outcome of the appointment.  

Your appointment is a two-way street – answer all questions openly 

You won’t be the only one asking questions; your healthcare professional will likely have some questions for you in order to provide you with the best possible advice. Remember that every question asked is a step closer to getting the answers you need, so don’t hold back, or keep things on the down-low. Answering each question with honesty will give your healthcare professional a better understanding of what’s going on and how to address it in a way that’s best for you. 

Part 1 | Sexual Health Conversations in Healthcare
Part 3 | Sexual Health Conversations in Healthcare